Use "tubule|tubules" in a sentence

1. The distal Convoluted tubule is split up functionally into the early distal Convoluted tubule and the late distal Convoluted tubule which is very similar to the collecting ducts

2. Rend tubules and interstitial tissue were damaged.

3. 11 Rend tubules and interstitial tissue were damaged.

4. What region of the organ is this? What tubules are present? ANSWER: This is the outer medulla, as there are straight tubules, not thin segments.Straight tubules are not as easy to tell apart as convoluted tubules, as the proximal tubule's brush border often Autolyzes during preparation.

5. As the fluid continues to flow along the tubule toward the larger collecting tubule, or collecting duct, other cells in the tubule wall release additional secretions into it, including ammonia, potassium, urea, uric acid, and excess water.

6. Tubules forming complexes with filaments were seen in autosomal dominant myotonia congenita (type IIa), and in adynamia episodica hereditaria (type IIb, “giant tubules”).

7. The early distal Convoluted tubule is impermeable to water, and the tubular fluid contains more sodium than the tubule cells so sodium ends up flowing down its

8. The dark Leydig-cells possess a tubule-formed, fine-meshed, tightly packed, agranular, endoplasmatic reticulum.

9. Amylase is filtered by renal tubules and resorbed (inactivated) by tubular epithelium

10. There is no mitotic or amitotic division of nuclei of the tubules.

11. Distinct crystals of calcium oxalate accumulate in the tubules of the kidney.

12. Distinct crystals of calcium oxalate accumulate in the tubules of the kidney

13. Bowman’s capsule is actually the indented end of the convoluted tubule of the nephron.

14. Arthropods excrete by means of malphigian tubules, projections of the digestive tract that help conserve water

15. Coleoptile the first leaf of cereal grasses, which has no blade and consists of a closed tubule

16. 28 Following mating, the sperm are stored in special tiny tubules in the female's reproductive tract.

17. In free-flow the ammonia concentration rises and the pH decreases along the proximal convoluted tubule.

18. One Centriole is composed of nine triplet tubules that are assembled in cylinder-like structure

19. Inside there are three semicircular tubules that can sense rotation, one for each dimension of space.

20. • The decrease in sodium reabsorption by the renal tubules will be Accompanied by decreased chloride and water retention

21. The terrestrial Arthropods excrete through Malpighian tubules while the aquatic ones excrete through green glands or coaxal glands

22. It is attributed to changes in the permeability of glomerular membranes of the glomeruli to the involved tubules.

23. Our results show that the distal tubule microperfused in vivo during rebound metabolic alkalosis continues to reabsorb significant amounts of bicarbonate, despite the presence of systemic alkalemia that we have previously shown to be associated with distal tubule bicarbonate secretion.

24. Tagma: a specialized grouping of Arthropodan segments, such as the head, the thorax, and the abdomen with a common function; malpighian tubule: a tubule that extends from the alimentary canal to the exterior of the organism, excreting water and wastes in the form of solid nitrogenous compounds

25. 20 The decrease in sodium reabsorption by the renal tubules will be accompanied by decreased chloride and water retention.

26. Aldosterone stimulates sodium transport across cell membranes, particularly in the distal renal tubule where sodium is exchanged for hydrogen and potassium.

27. This results in a constriction of the tubules, which is an attempt to slow the bacterial progression.

28. Inability of the kidney tubules to retain potassium, calcium, or magnesium can lead to muscle weakness, spasms, tetany, or palpitations.

29. 5 Hold the mass of tubules with fine. straight forceps and thoroughly tease out their contents with fine, curved forceps.

30. Apocrine sweat glands, which are usually associated with hair follicles, continuously secrete a fatty sweat into the gland tubule. Emotional stress causes the tubule wall to contract, expelling the fatty secretion to the skin, where local bacteria break it down into odorous fatty acids.

31. Glutaminase is also expressed in the epithelial cells of the renal tubules, where the produced ammonia is excreted as ammonium ions.

32. We determined the capability of isolated nonperfused proximal tubules to prevent a change in cell volume in Anisotonic media

33. We determined the capability of isolated nonperfused proximal tubules to prevent a change in cell volume in Anisotonic media

34. These are efficiently plucked out by being reabsorbed into the tubule wall and passed back into the surrounding network of capillaries to reenter your bloodstream.

35. Cystine is an amino acid that is freely filtered in urine and almost completely reabsorbed by the kidney tubules (i.e

36. The inability of the kidney tubules to retain salt and water results in urinary fluid loss, so polyuria is common.

37. Differentiation of Acinuses and striated parts of the salivary tubules is well pronounced in the embryonic period while no signs of appearance of granular portions of the salivary tubules are observed both in light and electron microscopy either in embryos or in 1-week-old rats

38. However, no ultrastructural study has been performed to differentiate diabetic verses toxic affects of Alloxan to the tubule and/or glomerulus

39. The tubule runs into a larger collecting duct, which carries away the waste and toxic substances filtered out by the nephron.

40. Accumulations of closely packed tubules occur within the larger myelinated nerve fibres which traverse the granular layer of the cerebellum.

41. ALDS : Aldosterone stimulates sodium transport across cell membranes, particularly in the distal renal tubule where sodium is exchanged for hydrogen and potassium

42. The polyuria and dehydration of ill rabbits in clinic were related to renal epithelium apoptosis of distal convoluted renal tubule and collecting duct.

43. Unlike canonical kinesin-1, kinesin-2 takes directional, off-axis steps on micro-tubules, but it resumes a straight path when walking on the Axonemes

44. A stimulus, in the form of positively charged current, is transmitted from the neuromuscular junction down the length of the T tubules, activating dihydropyridine receptors (DHPRs).

45. Vacuole degeneration was found in epithelium cells and brush border of lumen surface fell off and reduced with pyknotic nucleus in proximal convoluted tubules of arsenism rats.

46. The qBSE-SEM images revealed that the silver particles could penetrate through the pellicle complex, along with the rod sheaths into the demineralized enamel rods and the dentinal tubules, and form silver-enriched barriers surrounding the Carious lesions at depths up to 2,490.2 μm (mean 744.7 ± 448.7 μm) within the dentinal tubules of the

47. ‘Each hair-like Cilium is associated with a set of tubules and structural protein molecules that make up a kinetosome.’ Synonyms fibre , thread, strand, tendril

48. Stunted growth: an Atmin mutant mouse kidney (right) is smaller and less developed, with fewer tubule branches than a healthy kidney (left) The development of the kidneys is a complex process

49. • Vitamin C: Acidifies urine resulting in reabsorption of acidic drugs and an increase in the excretion of basic drugs from the renal tubules (unknown clinical relevance)

50. ‘Lesions present in the peritubular capillaries, Arterioles and renal tubules were recorded.’ ‘These branches become smaller and are differentiated into three distinct regions: pulp Arterioles, sheathed Arterioles, and terminal capillaries.’

51. Adenine is metabolized to is 2,8-dihydroxyAdenine, which on accumulation in proximal tubules leads to the induction of chronic kidney disease (CKD) with severe anemia in rats

52. Similar regressive degenerations were found in the interrenal organ, the adrenal bodies and in the convoluted tubules of the kidney after application of high doses of alloxan.

53. In carious dentine, three different morphological types of crystalline inclusion were found in tubule lumens in addition both to the rhombohedral crystals usually described and to the accumulation of peritubular (intratubular) dentine.

54. Sodium ions, precipitated as sodium-antimonate, are found in the cytoplasm, the mitochondrial matrix, and the nucleoplasm as well as extracellularly. Chloride ions, precipitated as AgCl, are mainly localized between adjacent tubule cells.

55. This paper describes the localization of adenosine triphosphatase within certain ultrastructural elements of the cells of the initial and main regions of the Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster larvae.

56. ‘Lesions present in the peritubular capillaries, Arterioles and renal tubules were recorded.’ ‘These branches become smaller and are differentiated into three distinct regions: pulp Arterioles, sheathed Arterioles, and terminal capillaries.’

57. Telford et al., 1962; MHW, 1999] Reproductive toxicity Lowest oral (diet) LOEL (male rat) = 42.3 mg/kg-bw per day: decreased absolute and relative testis weights, testis tubule atrophy and decreased spermatogenesis (18-month study) (Takagi et al., 1994)

58. Within their nucleus rodlike bundles of tubules occur, which are supposed to play a role in the process of amitotic cell division. This is also assumed for the ependymal cells which contain even more bundles, often in pairs.

59. After native egg albumin or purified ovalbumin are administered intraperitoneally to the mouse, the epithelial cells of the proximal renal tubule show an increased uptake of albumin, manifested especially by a multiplication of “Speicherkörper” (phagosomes), and by changes in the mitochondria.

60. To characterize the mechanism of chloride transport across individual cell membranes, experiments were carried out on early distal tubules in the doubly perfused Amphiuma kidney and net chloride flux, transepithelial and transmembrane cell potentials, and intracellular chloride activity measured

61. Coxal gland, in certain arthropods, one of a pair of excretory organs consisting of an end sac where initial urine is collected, a tubule where secretion and reabsorption may take place, and an excretory pore at the base (coxa) of one of the legs

62. Click here for the Professional Version In Bartter syndrome and Gitelman syndrome, a hereditary defect of the kidney tubules causes the kidneys to excrete excessive amounts of electrolytes (potassium, sodium, and chloride), resulting in growth, electrolyte, and sometimes nerve and muscle abnormalities.

63. Typical morphological signs in hypothermia are frost erythema, hemorrhagic gastric erosions, lipid accumulation in epithelial cells of renal proximal tubules, and pancreatic hemorrhage, which are—although unspecific as single findings—diagnostic regarding the circumstances of the case, especially when they are found together.

64. Destruction of the testicular tubules by the adrenal rests and longstanding suppression of the pituitary-gonadal axis can lead to infertility. The presence of testicular adrenal rests must be investigated in any man with CAH due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency and infertility.

65. These included preputial gland carcinomas (in 5/50 males at 200 ppm, p < 0.001) and renal tubule adenomas in both sexes (in 1/50 males at 6.25, 3/48 at 62.5 ppm and 1/49 at 200 ppm, and in 2/50 females at 200 ppm, compared with none in controls).

66. The rapid response of eel kidney to salinity changes does not appear to be linked to cellular hydration as the various segments of the kidney tubules react differently. The data are discussed with respect to osmotic acclimation and in relation to variations of prolactin secretion.

67. Some of these characters, including inflorescence position and "winter" development, Bracteole position, indumentum of the corolla and filaments, anther texture, presence and positioning of staminal appendages (spurs, awns, tubules, etc.), and fruit dehiscence and texture (leading to various fruit types), are extremely homoplasious.

68. Aldosterone is a pregnane-based steroidal hormone produced by the outer-section (zona glomerulosa) of the adrenal cortex in the adrenal gland, and acts on the distal tubules and collecting ducts of the kidney to cause the conservation of sodium, secretion of potassium, increased water retention, and increased blood pressure

69. In the X-linked angiokeratoma corporis diffusum universale (Fabry) the glycolipids trihexosyl-ceramide (galactosyl-galactosyl-glucosyl-ceramide) and dihexosyl-ceramide (galactosyl-galactosyl-ceramide) are deposited mainly in the following cells and tissues: the autonomous neurons of the diencephalon and brain stem; the pituitary gland; the mesenteric and submucosal plexus of the gastrointestinal tract; the heart muscle; the vascular smooth muscles; the visceral organs (renal tubules and glomeruli).